This is the #1 thing people say to me when I mention all the benefits of our Essential Rewards program.
And listen. I feel you. I don't need that many oils either!
In fact, VERY LITTLE of our monthly orders are essential oils!
Our family has found soooo many other products from Young Living that we LOVE for their safe ingredients *and* for how long they last us! Truly, everything seems so concentrated! And by utilizing the Essential Rewards program, we save TONS of money on the things we'd already be buying anyway!
So what did we buy this month? Let's take a look inside our March wellness box....

Here is what we grabbed this month:
AminoWise - I used to think this was a must-have only for those who were athletic. WRONG. Amino acids are so important for the body to regenerate muscles, yes. But they also help produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate your appetite, mood, and sleep! They also help promote the absorption of minerals in the body AND support immune function, energy levels, and hemoglobin production. I use 1/2 scoop twice per day in my Ningxia water!
Thieves Mouthwash - Alcohol-free and delightfully spicy, this powerful mouthwash also contains colloidal silver to kill off that bacteria in our mouths. This is absolutely the best mouthwash I've ever used (and only one I've ever liked!)
Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Hydrosol - This has been studied for its effect against viruses and has been shown to be effective in dealing with skin issues and rashes. At just $12.50/bottle, the price absolutely can't be beat! If you're dealing with any skin irritations, eczema, etc., this is definitely worth a try!
Rose Ointment - This rose-infused ointment is a great, safe alternative to petroleum-based products and can even act as a carrier for your oils when you need an extra boost of hydration! We love using this on my daughter's patches of psoriasis.
Super C Chewables - Vitamin C has long been known to support the immune system, and getting that Vitamin C from real food makes it even more easily absorbed and utilized by the body! That's why Young Living uses real fruits to create their Vitamin C Chewables! I keep these on my desk and pop them like candy in the winter months to keep my body going strong, and our kids take them daily as well.
Ningxia Red Essential Rewards Kit - Our antioxidant powerhouse. Our delicious, tart morning puree. Our carrier for all the Vitality oils. This is a no-brainer for our family's health. If you haven't heard my story about Ningxia Red, you can check it out HERE.
Thieves Hand Sanitizer - (not pictured) A safe sanitizer that has been proven to kill 99.9% of germs without the use of triclosan? Yes, please. We keep a good stock of this on hand at all times.
Lavender Essential Oil - We are CONSTANTLY running low on lavender. My kids all have bottles of lavender in their bedrooms because they all love to diffuse it at night. Lavender is our #1 go-to for most issues with our kids. And it's definitely our top oil for combatting all that the spring season throws at us with the blooming of all.the.things!
Thieves Essential Oil - Always a staple. Always.
THEN, because we purchased all those items on our Essential Rewards order, Young Living also sent us these products for FREE:

Valor Essential Oil - The unicorn oil. For all the things. Chiropractic adjustments. Tension headaches. Mood swings. Courage. Stress. Errrrythang. And this $40 oil is FREE with any 100pv Essential Rewards order during the month of March!!!
Oil Travel Bag - (not pictured) I take at least 15 oils with me everywhere I go! I look forward to toting them around in a brand new cute little tote!
Gentle Baby - While this is definitely a must-have oil for pregnant mamas and littles, it's ALSO great for those who have grown beyond that stage. We love it for its gentle uses on the skin for rashes, scratches, and irritations. I was THRILLED to see a 15-ml bottle was coming my way, because we can only purchase it as a 5-ml! I'm thinking about adding this to my facial care routine because it's great for elasticity and wrinkles!
PLUS, on top of all that, we also received $166 in ER points to spend on whatever we want!!!!!
To say we're in love with Essential Rewards would be pretty darn accurate. We are so thankful for all the freebies that keep us well-stocked and especially for the 25% back we get on everything we purchase each month! I mean, 25% back is better than ANY credit card deal you'll ever find. AND WE GET IT EVERY SINGLE MONTH.
If this is all brand new information to you, here's what you need to know....
Young Living has put together an INCREDIBLE loyalty program called Essential Rewards. This program rewards you for doing all your regular spending with Young Living rather than hopping from store to store to pickup all the necessities like shampoo, hand soap, makeup, cleaners, sunscreen, granola, supplements, etc.!
Some of the perks include:
- a completely customized shopping cart each month that you can fill up to your heart's content
- special discounted collections that are exclusive to Essential Rewards members
- special oils and other products that are exclusive to Essential Rewards members
- optional shipping subscription (like Amazon Prime) that offers seeeeriously cheap shipping - even overnight!
- FREE gifts after 3, 6, 9, and 12 months PLUS every year after that
- 10% back on EVERYTHING you buy for the first 3 months
- 20% back on EVERYTHING you buy for months 4-24
- 25% back on EVERYTHING you buy after month 24
Those percentages you're getting back are IN ADDITION to that 24% you're already saving as a wholesale member, so....clearly, you can see these are some major perks! There is absolutely no time commitment attached to this optional program, so I always encourage people to try it out for 3 months and see how they like it. If it's not something they love then it's easy to switch back to only ordering occasionally. (But...most people love it and stick with it because it's so easy and cost-effective!)
If you're already a wholesale member, you can hop on Essential Rewards at any time by logging into your Virtual Office and clicking on the Essential Rewards tab. From there, just follow the prompts, fill your cart, and wait for your first order to arrive! Once your first order has processed, you can immediately start planning ahead for next month and begin switching things up in your Essential Rewards cart!

For further reading on how our family utilizes Essential Rewards to save money, hop over to this article:
How our Family of Eight Saves Money on Non-Toxic Household Products

Whether you like that scent or not, what you're smelling is the toxic chemicals that make up the components of dryer sheets. Interestingly, dryer sheets are now considered one of the MOST dangerous items in the average American home. And honestly, laundry soap isn't a whole lot better.
The average family washes approximately 80 pounds of laundry per week—or 35 billion loads of laundry per year! This means that 17.5 billion cups of laundry detergent are being used every year in the U.S. alone. Not only can you come in contact with caustic chemicals via your clothing, from having been laundered in them, but you can breathe them into your lungs once they become airborne in the process of doing your laundry.
The detergent you’re using may contain a cocktail of potent cancer-causing chemicals, some of which the manufacturer doesn’t even have to list on the label. This loophole reduces the odds that you’ll ever discover what’s in there.
Here are a few of the toxic ingredients you should be aware of in your laundry soap:
1. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)/sodium laureth sulfate (SLES)
SLS ingredient is present in nearly all personal care products sold in stores including shampoo, shaving cream, toothpaste, liquid soaps, and laundry detergents. There are 16,000 documented studies on the dangers of SLS. It can irritate the eyes, nose, and respiratory system; generate toxic levels in the organs, including reproductive organs; and is a known neurotoxin (poison to the brain)
2. 1,4-dioxane
Two-thirds of all laundry detergents contain 1,4-dioxane, including many "organic" and "natural" brands. This ingredients that comes about because of the manufacturing process of SLS/SLES is a known carcinogen (causes cancer) and is READILY ABSORBED THROUGH THE SKIN. So when you're wearing clothes washed with this ingredients, you're absorbing it.
3. NPE (nonylphenol ethoxylate)
This ingredient is sometimes referred to as the "gender bender" because of its impressive ability to completely destroy natural hormone development and function. It can create fertility issues, kidney and liver damage, and throw off the normal function of your hormones.
4. Phosphates
This ingredient has been known to nausea, diarrhea, and skin irritations. It is also a significant danger to our waterways because it is extremely difficult to remove from the water. It can throw off the entire underwater ecosystem because it promotes the growth of algae, which can in turn choke off waterways and even suffocate fish.
We MUST demand better for ourselves and our families, and the best way to do that is to vote with our dollars. And the good news is that there ARE better options, and they don't have to cost a lot of money either! 😍
Young Living's Thieves Laundry Soap is a completely plant-based formula that is free from synthetic ingredients. It works with all washers, including high-efficiency. It is a highly concentrated formula, which means that a 32-ounce container can wash a LOT of laundry!
Most importantly, Thieves Laundry Soap contains NO sulfates, dyes, petrochemicals, formaldehyde, phosphates, synthetic perfumes, or optical brighteners, so it's not going to be adding to your family's toxic load! Grab yourself a bottle of Thieves Laundry Soap and discover the difference for yourself! 👏

Ha! As it turns out, Ningxia Red has become a PERMANENT SOLUTION because it has provided me with allll those nutrients I was missing in my diet! Truly, Ningxia Red is the BEST thing I could possibly share with you about Young Living and the best part of that that it comes in every single starter kit!!
Nestled into the back of each starter kit box, right next to your beautiful bottle of Stress Away and Peace & Calming, are two of the most GORGEOUS little juice packets you've ever laid eyes on. If you think I'm exaggerating, I assure you, I am not. Ningxia Red has SO many incredible benefits. I actually love it more than all my oils combined. And the best part? It's SO good for you!!!!
If you don't know what antioxidants are, they are what fight off the free radicals in our body. Free radicals are basically just giant jerks that roam around, picking on everyone, making us feel gross and sad and sick.
Antioxidants come in to save the day!! We all know that fruits and veggies are the way to get those antioxidants in our diet, but isn't it hard to eat perfectly all the time? And even if we do, are we still capable of eating enough good quality produce with enough variety to keep our bodies in tip-top shape?!
Just ONE TINY OUNCE of Ningxia Red holds the antioxidant power equal to that of:
- 4 lbs of carrots
- 2 quarts of carrot juice
- 8 oranges
- 1 pint of orange juice
- 2 lbs of beets
- 3 cups of beet juice
- 3 cups of raspberries
- 2 cups of blueberries
Ningxia Red also contains 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, 6 essential fatty acids, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E. And did I mention that it tastes amazing?!
Without making it sound like a miracle, I have to tell you honestly that this has been completely life-changing for me and for MANY others. I truly never want to imagine going back to the days before I had a daily serving of Ningxia Red in my life. If you have already purchased a starter kit and you have NOT yet opened up those sweet, delicious packets, run to the fridge right now and toss them in there! Grab one tomorrow morning and smile with delight as you slurp down the healthiest, yummiest juice on the planet!
And then I want you to consider doing something big. I want you to consider committing to drink 2 oz of Ningxia Red every day for 30 days (or 60 days if you're feeling up to an even bigger challenge)! I can't guarantee it will change your life, but I can tell you with certainly that almost every single person I know who has done this has been INCREDIBLE results. I HIGHLY recommend it! You can grab a box of 30 Ningxia Red packets in the Virtual Office today! But be sure to purchase them on Essential Rewards so you are earning 10-25% back on your order right away.
Oh, and one more thing! Go Google "health benefits of Ningxia Red". You won't be sorry! But you might be shocked! :)

On and off throughout the next few years, and through two other pregnancies, I developed significant mood swings. I was the angry mom. Like....really angry. I hated that I didn't feel like I could get my emotions under control.
Like many people, I found that my extreme feelings came and went, sometimes seasonally, sometimes seemingly without any reason. But the anger persisted almost daily.
I saw my midwife once about it. I told her I really didn't want any drugs and she suggested a vitamin complex. I think I maybe took it once. It smelled horrible and I could barely choke it down.
But one day shortly thereafter I was having a particular angry day, screaming at my kids and feeling like I wasn't sure we were all going to make it to the end of the day alive. I went into my room and closed the door while the chaos went on.
I had collected a few dozen essential oils over the years that we used for overall health (immune support, respiratory, etc.) because we always try to avoid unnecessary medications. I had heard about people using essential oils for emotions, and I thought it was totally ridiculous, but I was so desperate.
I had a reference book for using the oils though, so I grabbed it and thumbed through it, and then pulled every oil I owned off my shelf that was listed for emotional issues and just started putting them on and praying.
I can't even describe to you the calm that came over me. It blew me away. At first I thought it must have been psychological, but honestly I didn't even care. I just wanted to feel better.
Throughout that day and the next several days, I did that same thing several times and each time I felt calmed and renewed. Over time, I needed the oils less and less and found that I was able to better control my emotions.
Today, I just use my oils 1-2x per day to help manage my emotions. I use a natural progesterone serum as well as aim to eat a low-sugar diet and get exercise in several times a week. That combination, with the oils, has helped me IMMENSELY.
Once I realized the oils were working, I did the research to understand WHY they worked. It turns out there is actually A TON of science to back everything up, and it was truly fascinating to me to learn how God designed our bodies and the plants to work together so beautifully!
I do still go through days where I'm feeling really discouraged, but I have never been back to that low low place since that moment 5 years ago, and I am so so thankful. My kids now also see how they can use oils to manage their own emotions, and I love empowering them in that way. I can see how the oils have not only changed MY life but how they are also preparing my kids for a better, more empowered life as well, and that means the world to me.
I don't know everything there is to know, but I know enough now to know that oils are REAL and they can WORK to help dissolve our emotional trauma and anger, and soothe our everyday frustrations. I've seen it play out in several friends' lives as well, and every single time it thrills me to know that one more woman has found freedom from those chains.
If you've already purchased a starter kit with Young Living, I want you to know that seven of the oils in that collection are oils I currently use to help manage my emotions on a regular basis. Those oils are:
Stress Away
Citrus Fresh
In addition to those, my favorite oils for managing my emotions are Joy, Orange, Endoflex, and an essential oil serum called Progessence Plus.
If you have found yourself battling some hard things emotionally, I would be absolutely overjoyed to talk with you and help you get started on this journey toward healthier emotions. It's not just about essential oils, of course, but oils have played a huge role in my own story and I think they can be a crucial piece of the puzzle for many women who feel they aren't sure they can hold it together for even one more day.
This mom life is HARD and I firmly believe we need to stick together and hold each other up in encouragement, prayer, and support whenever we can.
I am here for you, friends. Please reach out if you need help.
If you'd like to read more about the science behind HOW essential oils can help with emotional issues, you might be interested in reading this post:
Can essential oils really help my emotions?

Below, you’ll find a list of products launching at the 2019 International Grand Convention. These are the new permanent products that JUST launched at the 2019 International Grand Convention on Wednesday, July 17 and are NOW AVAILABLE to everyone!
There are no purchase limits on these products, and they are only available via Quick Order. We anticipate these products being available for purchase through Essential Rewards in August, but definitely check back next month to be sure.
Now, here are all our brand new products......

One of our favorites is now available in a roll-on! The same oil you know and love is now ready for quick and easy topical applications on the go!
Wholesale Price: $34.75

Davana Essential Oil has a rich, fruity aroma that helps give your day- and your mood- a balancing boost. The Davana plant is a member of the daisy family and is native to Southern India where it is traditionally used by Ayurvedic healers to balance the body and spirit.
Feather the Owl Kids Diffuser

An adorable new, easy-to-use diffuser that has been kid-tested and mom-approved! This little woodland creature is simple and easy to fill, has lights and white noise functions, and even has a lullaby setting! If you have kids, you definitely need this new diffuser! (And if you don't, it's still adorable!!)

CitraGuard Deodorant

Wholesale Price: $32.75
Olive Essentials

Dual Lash Brush

We have already personally tried out a few of these products and LOVE THEM! We will have samples of each new product on display at our Indianapolis class this Saturday, July 27th at 11am. If you're local to central Indiana, be sure to RSVP and join us to learn more about all our brand new products!
If you're not local or just want to get a jump start on your convention shopping, head over to your Virtual Office, click on Quick Order, New & Featured, and What's New to place your order! We can't wait to hear all about your new favorite products!!