Happy New Year!
Whether you are cuddling up under a comfy blanket with tea on a cold winter day or enjoying the sunshine during this season, we all have one thing in common: it’s a brand new year full of brand new possibilities!
You don't have to be a New Year's resolution type of person to decide this year is YOUR year to take back your health. Join thousands of us as we dedicate 2019 to a healthy lifestyle while incorporating Young Living products. Make it YOUR mission to use at least one of your Young Living products every single day and to try one new product every month this year to see how your life and health transform!
You can STAR or FLAG this email so you can reference back to it all month long.
Here's what you'll find below:
- Team announcements & class dates
- Featured product this month
- Monthly YL promos
- Help 5
Important Announcements
1) Upcoming online classes:
Every Tuesday during the month of January, we'll have a LIVE Facebook class in
our team group at 8pm EST. We encourage you to join us as we explore more product lines to help you boost your health in the coming year!
2) Upcoming in-person events (Central IN):
Men of all ages are welcome to attend Guys’ Night on Tuesday, January 22nd at 6:30pm for tacos and fellowship. Please note the change of location. This event is held at Rosita’s 2 Mexican Restaurant located at 2310 W. Southport Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46217.
Join us on Saturday, January 26th from 11am-1pm for an open house featuring Young Living’s skin care and Savvy Minerals products! This is a casual event, so feel free to drop in when you can and leave when you need to! Light refreshments will be provided. Visit our team Facebook group for location details.
Featured Product: Einkorn
Did you know that Young Living carries food products? They do! And many of their products are made from the ancient heirloom grain, Einkorn wheat.
Many people who can’t normally eat gluten, myself included, can eat Einkorn products without any issues due to the organic nature and extremely low gluten content. Eat at your own discretion, of course, but I’ve been so thrilled to be able to eat Einkorn wheat products!
One great option available is the
Einkorn Rotini Pasta! Today's conventional food is overly processed and lacks nutrients. Take a look at all the food and snack options Young Living offers and STOCK YOUR CABINETS! Ordering Young Living foods is such an easy way to put healthy and nutritious food in your hands every single day.
Here’s a great recipe to get you started:
If you'd like to read more about Einkorn wheat and what makes it different from today's wheat, you'll definitely want to check out Gary Young's book and add it to your next Essential Rewards order:
January's freebies are perfect for your New Year's goals!
There is so much good stuff coming in my Essential Rewards order this month, including this AWESOME selection of free products from Young Living, just because I choose to purchase my shower gel, shampoo, hand soap, supplements, and of course ESSENTIAL OILS from them each month!
Here’s what you can get for FREE with your qualifying order this month:
Let’s take a closer look at each of these, shall we?
5ml PanAway: New fitness goals? PanAway is the perfect blend to apply to sore muscles and joints. Don't let being sore be your new year's excuse for not hitting the gym after day one (or ten)!
15 ml Longevity™: Take a fresh approach. Add Longevity to your morning skincare routine to promote youthful-looking skin. • Let your look match your outlook. Give your skin care routine a refreshing boost by mixing this essential oil blend in your skin care products.
Life 9 Probiotic: Full body health starts with a healthy gut. A probiotic with live cultures is a great way to make sure your digestive system has all the healthy bacteria it needs to absorb the good nutrients and function optimally! Life 9 has 17 billion live cultures from nine beneficial bacteria strains!
(Have kids? Check out the
Kidscents MightyPro for your kids. A Pre & Probiotic that tastes like candy! My Kids LOVE these, and quite honestly, so do I. They taste just like Pixy Sticks!)
15 ml Citrus Fresh™: New year's goals can be overwhelming and bring up a lot of occasional anxiety when you think about everything you want to accomplish. Diffusing this oil can be very uplifting as you pursue your new goals! Another great way to use it is to add a few drops of Citrus Fresh to water and spray on linens and laundry for its fresh, invigorating scent.
5 ml DiGize® Vitality™: DiGize is a blend of oils that includes ginger and fennel, which makes it a great complement to the Life 9 supplement to support your digestive system. This is also a must-have travel companion for eating out when you’re away from home. If you are taking a trip in 2019, grab this FREE oil so you have a full bottle in your travel oils set!
Help 5 Bonus

How cool is this magnetic essential oils rack?! When you earn five points in the Help 5 program during January, you’ll receive this magnetic essential oils rack.
Earn five points to qualify. Members earn a point for any of the following:
• Enrolling a new member with a Premium Starter Kit
• Helping an inactive member reactivate their account with a new Premium Starter Kit
• Signing up a personally enrolled member for Essential Rewards with an order of 50 PV or more
• Reenrolling a member in Essential Rewards with an order of 50 PV or more
*New Essential Rewards enrollment includes members who you get back on the ER program after they have been inactive on ER for six months or more.
We are wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Feel free to connect with us at anytime. We'd love to help you pursue your goals this year!