On and off throughout the next few years, and through two other pregnancies, I developed significant mood swings. I was the angry mom. Like....really angry. I hated that I didn't feel like I could get my emotions under control.
Like many people, I found that my extreme feelings came and went, sometimes seasonally, sometimes seemingly without any reason. But the anger persisted almost daily.
I saw my midwife once about it. I told her I really didn't want any drugs and she suggested a vitamin complex. I think I maybe took it once. It smelled horrible and I could barely choke it down.
But one day shortly thereafter I was having a particular angry day, screaming at my kids and feeling like I wasn't sure we were all going to make it to the end of the day alive. I went into my room and closed the door while the chaos went on.
I had collected a few dozen essential oils over the years that we used for overall health (immune support, respiratory, etc.) because we always try to avoid unnecessary medications. I had heard about people using essential oils for emotions, and I thought it was totally ridiculous, but I was so desperate.
I had a reference book for using the oils though, so I grabbed it and thumbed through it, and then pulled every oil I owned off my shelf that was listed for emotional issues and just started putting them on and praying.
I can't even describe to you the calm that came over me. It blew me away. At first I thought it must have been psychological, but honestly I didn't even care. I just wanted to feel better.
Throughout that day and the next several days, I did that same thing several times and each time I felt calmed and renewed. Over time, I needed the oils less and less and found that I was able to better control my emotions.
Today, I just use my oils 1-2x per day to help manage my emotions. I use a natural progesterone serum as well as aim to eat a low-sugar diet and get exercise in several times a week. That combination, with the oils, has helped me IMMENSELY.
Once I realized the oils were working, I did the research to understand WHY they worked. It turns out there is actually A TON of science to back everything up, and it was truly fascinating to me to learn how God designed our bodies and the plants to work together so beautifully!
I do still go through days where I'm feeling really discouraged, but I have never been back to that low low place since that moment 5 years ago, and I am so so thankful. My kids now also see how they can use oils to manage their own emotions, and I love empowering them in that way. I can see how the oils have not only changed MY life but how they are also preparing my kids for a better, more empowered life as well, and that means the world to me.
I don't know everything there is to know, but I know enough now to know that oils are REAL and they can WORK to help dissolve our emotional trauma and anger, and soothe our everyday frustrations. I've seen it play out in several friends' lives as well, and every single time it thrills me to know that one more woman has found freedom from those chains.
If you've already purchased a starter kit with Young Living, I want you to know that seven of the oils in that collection are oils I currently use to help manage my emotions on a regular basis. Those oils are:
Stress Away
Citrus Fresh
In addition to those, my favorite oils for managing my emotions are Joy, Orange, Endoflex, and an essential oil serum called Progessence Plus.
If you have found yourself battling some hard things emotionally, I would be absolutely overjoyed to talk with you and help you get started on this journey toward healthier emotions. It's not just about essential oils, of course, but oils have played a huge role in my own story and I think they can be a crucial piece of the puzzle for many women who feel they aren't sure they can hold it together for even one more day.
This mom life is HARD and I firmly believe we need to stick together and hold each other up in encouragement, prayer, and support whenever we can.
I am here for you, friends. Please reach out if you need help.
If you'd like to read more about the science behind HOW essential oils can help with emotional issues, you might be interested in reading this post:
Can essential oils really help my emotions?