Ha! As it turns out, Ningxia Red has become a PERMANENT SOLUTION because it has provided me with allll those nutrients I was missing in my diet! Truly, Ningxia Red is the BEST thing I could possibly share with you about Young Living and the best part of that news...is that it comes in every single starter kit!!
Nestled into the back of each starter kit box, right next to your beautiful bottle of Stress Away and Peace & Calming, are two of the most GORGEOUS little juice packets you've ever laid eyes on. If you think I'm exaggerating, I assure you, I am not. Ningxia Red has SO many incredible benefits. I actually love it more than all my oils combined. And the best part? It's SO good for you!!!!
If you don't know what antioxidants are, they are what fight off the free radicals in our body. Free radicals are basically just giant jerks that roam around, picking on everyone, making us feel gross and sad and sick.
Antioxidants come in to save the day!! We all know that fruits and veggies are the way to get those antioxidants in our diet, but isn't it hard to eat perfectly all the time? And even if we do, are we still capable of eating enough good quality produce with enough variety to keep our bodies in tip-top shape?!
Just ONE TINY OUNCE of Ningxia Red holds the antioxidant power equal to that of:
- 4 lbs of carrots
- 2 quarts of carrot juice
- 8 oranges
- 1 pint of orange juice
- 2 lbs of beets
- 3 cups of beet juice
- 3 cups of raspberries
- 2 cups of blueberries
Ningxia Red also contains 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, 6 essential fatty acids, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E. And did I mention that it tastes amazing?!
Without making it sound like a miracle, I have to tell you honestly that this has been completely life-changing for me and for MANY others. I truly never want to imagine going back to the days before I had a daily serving of Ningxia Red in my life. If you have already purchased a starter kit and you have NOT yet opened up those sweet, delicious packets, run to the fridge right now and toss them in there! Grab one tomorrow morning and smile with delight as you slurp down the healthiest, yummiest juice on the planet!
And then I want you to consider doing something big. I want you to consider committing to drink 2 oz of Ningxia Red every day for 30 days (or 60 days if you're feeling up to an even bigger challenge)! I can't guarantee it will change your life, but I can tell you with certainly that almost every single person I know who has done this has been INCREDIBLE results. I HIGHLY recommend it! You can grab a box of 30 Ningxia Red packets in the Virtual Office today! But be sure to purchase them on Essential Rewards so you are earning 10-25% back on your order right away.
Oh, and one more thing! Go Google "health benefits of Ningxia Red". You won't be sorry! But you might be shocked! :)