In late 2012, when I was first introduced to Young Living, I had two options:
1. Get started with a few essential oils, or
2. Get started with more essential oils.
I chose the latter and purchased my first essential oils in a collection called the Everyday Oils, which was the only Premium Starter Kit available at the time. There was no diffuser and there was very little information given on exactly HOW to use the oils. So my kit arrived and I was afraid to use it - afraid I would do something wrong. It sat, mostly unused, for almost eight months because I just did not feel equipped to use them "correctly."
Oh, what I wouldn't give to go back to that time and utilize those oils during my very difficult pregnancy! But what's done is done, and I can only move on from here.
In the past few years, Young Living has created a variety of Premium Starter Kits, now including one of my very favorite collections, the Thieves line of products! If you've never heard of our Thieves essential oil blend, then you're probably wondering...why such a funny name?
Thieves® essential oil is a powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils for an aromatic blend that fills any space with a rich, spicy aroma. Inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals used while robbing the dead and dying, Thieves is one of Young Living’s most popular products.
With the benefits of Thieves oil including cleaning power and an irresistibly spicy scent, Young Living offers it as an essential oil blend and as an important ingredient in a full range of home cleaning and personal care products, from dish soap to toothpaste.
Clearly, Thieves essential oil is a powerful blend and we love having all of the Thieves oil-infused products in our home! When talking about the Thieves Premium Starter Kit, you will often hear me say that I wish this kit had been around when I was introduced to the company because I would have jumped at the idea!
I didn't feel equipped to use my oils, but I sure knew how to clean my counters, brush my teeth, and wash my hands.
Our family was already using natural cleaners, toothpaste and hand soap. But getting it all in one concise kit (that smelled amazing) would have been such a blessing to me!
The Thieves kit wasn't around when I joined Young Living, but it's here now, and it sure looks like it's here to stay! So please allow me to introduce you to this favorite kit of mine: the Thieves Premium Starter Kit.
At the risk of sounding like I'm trying to frighten you with a lot of facts just to be scary, I want you all to be aware of what is IN our commercial cleaners, hand soaps, hand purifiers, toothpastes, deodorants, laundry soap, dish soap, and other household products. While it isn't healthy to live in fear, I believe it is wise to
understand the realities of the world and to
do what we can to limit our exposure to things that we know are not good for us.
I'm going to briefly run through each of the products in this kit right here, but please know that there are a variety of Thieves products outside of the ones mentioned here. This kit is just a neat little package to get you started on your journey with natural home products, but it's certainly not exclusive.
#1 Thieves Household Cleaner
Most cleaners found in stores today are full of dangerous substances that negatively affect you, your children and grandchildren, pets, and household visitors. These ingredients have been linked to difficulty breathing, hormone fluctuations, asthma, skin disorders, infertility, migraines, mood swings, and more. The few cleaning products that I have seen in stores which are free of those dangerous toxins are INCREDIBLY expensive.
In Young Living's Thieves Premium Starter Kit, there are 2 bottles of Thieves Household Cleaner, a completely non-toxic cleaning product that literally cleans everything in our home. I use it in conjunction with baking soda and lemon juice. We have no other cleaning agents in our home. What does this mean? You guessed it! My kids can clean all the live long day and I don't have any concerns about their safety!
And the cost of this stuff? Inexpensive. SUPER inexpensive. Because it is so concentrated, the cost is less than $1/bottle for this incredible powerhouse of a cleaner! We go through about 2 bottles a year. So the concentrated bottles in this kit would last me through 2017 and beyond!
So, summary? Thieves Household Cleaner is extremely economical AND it's great for your health. It's a WIN-WIN!
#2 Thieves Foaming Hand Soap
One winter a few years ago, my son had dry hands. Not just dry hands, but unbearably dry. Cracked and bleeding hands. It occurred to me that perhaps we should consider the soap we were using in the bathroom since that seemed to be the link that made the most sense. So we dropped the "natural" soap I was buying on Amazon and replaced it with the Thieves Foaming Hand soap.
His hands immediately started to improve! I was shocked. That was my first personal experience with understanding that even those "natural" products at the store may not be as harmless as we think.
You know those beautifully scented soaps you find at specialty stores? Most of them are full of artificial fragrances, which contain carcinogens (cancer-causing agents), endocrine disrupters (messing with your hormones), and reproductive toxicants (can create an infertility issue or birth defects). Why not choose a natural, essential-oil based soap instead?
The Thieves Premium Starter Kit comes with 2 ready-to-use hand soaps (which we use at our bathroom and kitchen sinks), but let me tell you a can actually dilute this soap about 50:50 with distilled or purified water and STILL get a silky smooth soap at half the price! So yes, I tell people they are welcome to dump one bottle into a glass jar when their Thieves starter kit arrives, split the other one between the two bottles, and dilute both with water to make it last twice as long!
This soap doesn't cost us much more than the "natural"stuff we were buying before, AND it's not ruining our hands! Plus, it smells amazing! This soap is a must-have in our home and we keep it at all our sinks!
#3 Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier
I've never really been a huge fan of commercial hand sanitizers. Originally I was averse to them because I knew that:
- They dry your hands out
- They stink
But then I also learned that:
- They promote the growth of superbugs
- They increase the risk of allergies, asthma, and eczema
- They disrupt thyroid/hormone/endocrine levels
- They weaken the immune system
YES. The triclosan in commercial hand sanitizers actually WEAKENS the immune system. Why are we putting this stuff on our kids?!
So we didn't use them. I turned them down everywhere we went and avoided them like the plague. But then I found Thieves Hand Purifier - FREE OF TRICLOSAN! Yessss.
You see, I'm not opposed to having clean hands. I understand that there are situations where we can't access water and we need a different option. But all those things up there in those lists? Yuck. No thank you. I now keep a Thieves Hand Purifier in our home, car, and purse. I still don't use it obsessively, but if I did, at least it would be a safe choice.
The Thieves Premium Starter Kit comes with two of these bottles, so you can stash them anywhere you'd like - your kids' backpacks, your purse, your van, lunchbox....wherever! Not only does this stuff not have the dangerous contains aloe, which actually leaves your hands MOISTURIZED rather than dried out. And like all the Thieves products, it smells incredible. This is definitely one of my favorite Thieves products!
#4 Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash
I never used mouthwash at all until this stuff entered my life. I'll admit that I'm still not a regular user because I simply forget, but I do LOVE the Thieves Mouthwash if I'm going to use some! The reason I never used it before is because OH MY WORD IT BURNS MY MOUTH. Also? Gross. Also, also? That is NOT a natural color. Why would I put that in my mouth?
Many commercial mouthwash brands contain large amounts of denatured alcohol (which is not fit for human consumption) or methyl alcohol which can cause blindness, organ failure, and death if ingested. Some contain hydrogen peroxide, which can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract and may result in symptoms such as upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Yes, it's designed to be spit out and not swallowed, but remember the tiny dissolvable pills that doctors sometimes prescribe? The ones that you're supposed to put under your tongue? Why is that an effective way to take that prescription? Because things under your tongue go DIRECTLY into your bloodstream.
Your mouth absorbs things VERY quickly. So why are putting toxic mouthwash into our mouths?!
Recent studies have even shown that using antiseptic mouthwash twice daily may increase your blood pressure and therefore increase your risk for coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, and a variety of health issues!
No. Just no. Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash contains NO alcohol, no synthetics, no artificial flavors. It DOES contain pure essential oils and colloidal silver, which has been known to promote an uninhabitable environment for bacteria, parasites, and viruses. So while I don't personally swallow this mouthwash, there is no danger in doing so. I LOVE that I can safely have this in my home and even have my kids use it without any concerns.
Ditch the toxic mouthwash and try the Thieves Fresh Essence instead! It's so strong, I even dilute it 50:50 with water and still have great results! (And smoothie drinkers - this will knock that spinach smell right outta the park!) One bottle of mouthwash is included in the Thieves Premium Starter Kit.
#5 Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste
This stuff is amazing. Especially combined with the mouthwash and the floss. (Yes, we have Thieves floss too!) I have had only glowing reviews from the dentist since switching to this toothpaste and that's pretty much how it seems to go for everyone!
I used to buy another natural toothpaste brand on Amazon. One day I realized I could get my toothpaste on my monthly Young Living order, it would cost the same amount, AND it had a higher quality of oils in it. Bingo! We've been using it ever since!
AromaBright toothpaste is free of sulfates, synthetic dyes, artificial flavors, and preservatives. It tastes fantastic and it is so good for your mouth, teeth, and gums! It removes stains, does a killer job at keeping your breath fresh, and doesn't contain any harmful ingredients. So just like the mouthwash, it isn't dangerous to swallow and I have no concerns over my kids doing so.
There are no scary "CALL POISON CONTROL" label necessary on Young Living toothpastes!
Also? It doubles as a deodorant. Yep, you heard that right! This toothpaste works like a charm as a totally safe, non-toxic deodorant option and it's what I've been using for at least a year! I love it!
#6 Thieves Essential Oil Blend 15-ml
Thieves essential oil is one of Young Living’s most popular products. I know we already touched on this at the beginning of this post, so I'll sum up my own thoughts on this blend.
The smell of Thieves often reminds people of the warmth of Christmas baking. With its spicy scent and its natural cleaning power, this is an absolute essential in our home. In fact, I can't really remember how we did life without it!
Thieves essential oil is the basis for Young Living's entire line of Thieves products, and as such, it only makes sense that you would get a 15-ml bottle of it in the Thieves Premium Starter Kit! We love to diffuse it in our home or apply it topically over the throat and neck or onto the bottoms of our feet. Due to some of the natural constituents in Thieves, it is recommended that you dilute it with a fatty carrier oil (such as coconut, olive, or jojoba) when using it topically, especially on children.
This 15-ml bottle contains about 250 drops of essential oil, and with a wide variety of uses, I bet you'll quickly find this oil becoming a staple in your home as well!
#7 Thieves Spray
The final Thieves items in the Thieves Premium Starter Kit are these two tiny bottles of Thieves spray that I first got as a freebie item and thought I would never use.
Boy, was I wrong.
A few years ago, we traveled with my husband to a hotel for a few days on a work trip. We brought along our school work and did homeschool assignments while we were there. I had moved the tiny hotel room table over next to the door of the hotel for some division among the kids so they could focus better, and when I glanced over in the middle of the day, one of my kids was - for no apparent reason - mindlessly moving their hand all over the light switch on the wall. GAG! We all know light switches are filthy, right?! Why hadn't I thought to spray that down right when we got to the hotel? Anyway, that prompted me to spray the lightswitches and door handles of the room and this spray has basically been in my purse ever since.
I use it on shopping cart handles, dirty restaurant tables, toilet seats, door knobs, and more. I also use it when I run out of the hand purifier by spraying it right onto my hands. (Please don't do that with commercial disinfectant sprays!) I love having this option in my purse at all times.
Two of these little Thieves sprays come in the Thieves Premium Starter Kit, so you are well-equipped from the moment your kit arrives!
NOW, there are a few additional items that come in the Thieves Premium Starter Kit that are NOT Thieves products, but Young Living wants everyone to get a sampling of these, no matter which kit you choose to purchase!
#8 Ningxia Red
I could write a book about this stuff. I'll try to briefly sum up my feelings here though...
I used to fall asleep every afternoon. Like...I could NOT stay awake. At all. I changed my diet and that helped. But it wasn't cutting it. I needed more energy, and more coffee just couldn't be the answer. As a homeschooling mama, it's kind of (super) important that I stay awake all day. So after hearing a MASSIVE number of testimonials about this strange, red fruit puree, I thought...oh, alright, I'll give it a try.
And life changed. Truly.
Not only did it give me energy, but it helped me sleep well, it helped regulate my moods, it helped keep my immune system strong. I was hooked. Just 1-2 oz a day of this incredible antioxidant drink has completely changed my life. For real. Everyone needs Ningxia Red, which is why (I presume) Young Living puts two individual servings into each and every starter kit from YoungLiving! Because everyone needs to experience the life-changing potential it carries! It's just amazing. And I love that you get to try it - TWICE - with the purchase of the Thieves Premium Starter Kit!
The Ningxia wolfberry contains 3x the antioxidant value of other wolfberries (also called goji berries) available elsewhere! If you want to read more cool stuff about Ningxia Red, you can visit
And finally...
#9 Stress Away Essential Oil
I have two favorite oils in all the world. One is frankincense, and the other is Stress Away. These two oils help me keep my cool as a mama, rest well at night, and find joy in the every day life of motherhood. Everyone - EVERYONE - needs Stress Away. Because if you try to tell me you don't have stress, I'm going to call you a liar. Well, I might be nice about it, but....I'll be thinking it. Because we ALL have stress. Physical stress...emotional all wears us down and can create a plethora of issues if it's not properly handled.
Enter: Stress Away.
Just trust me on this. It's the best thing for ya. You will love it!
Officially, it smells like lime and vanilla. Unofficially, it smells like heaven.
You will be so glad you got this oil in the Thieves Premium Starter Kit! It also conveniently comes with one roller fitment, so you can pop that on the top and rolllllll your stress away!
(See what I did there? Roll....your stress away? Stress Away? I crack myself up.)
I have one more surprise for anyone who is thinking they just have to have this kit for all their non-toxic spring cleaning / household needs! And that surprise is...
#10 BONUS: Thieves Dish Soap
I know a lot of people may not have thought about this, but dish soap was actually a high priority for me when we started going toxin-free in our home because, well, it touches all the things that hold your food and go into your mouth - bakeware, dishes, silverware, and glasses. Many dish soaps contain sulfates, propylene glycol, phthalates, dyes, petrochemicals, and other caustic substances.
Not exactly stuff I want to wash all my dishes in.
So we switched. We tried Young Living. We tried other brands. We came back to Young Living.
Y'all, it's just my favorite. It just is. There are a few other decent brands out there, but don't you want to try this one? Yes, of course you do! And that's why I'm giving it away for FREE to anyone who purchases a Thieves Premium Starter Kit this month!
In addition to your FREE bonus dish soap, you'll also receive access to our team's amazing online Facebook groups AND 24% off any other Young Living products you purchase for at least a year! PLUS, you have the option to join our monthly wellness program and get an *additional* 10-25% off everything!
All of that comes for just $160 when you buy the Thieves Premium Starter Kit.
Obviously I love this company and these products, and I always hope my friends know that I don't recommend things that I don't use and love. I just want everyone to have the experiences we've had in our home and this is the best way I know how to share them with you.
Are you ready? Ready to ditch those toxins and switch to healthier options for your family? If so, click on "Place an Order" up there in the upper right corner. Be sure to choose "Wholesale Member" or you won't be able to find the Thieves kit!
Are you thinking about the kit but still have some questions? Click on "Contact Me" at the top of the page and send me a message! I'd love to talk through your options with you!
Oh, and one more thing! If you're already a Young Living member and you'd like to purchase the Thieves kit, Young Living has everything all worked out for you! You don't need to purchase this starter kit because we have a
Thieves Essential Rewards Kit available for wholesale members at a discounted rate! You're already saving extra money on Essential Rewards, so add this kit to your next monthly order to take advantage of additional savings on the Thieves line of products!
Want to connect about something else? Click on "Contact Me" at the top of the page and I'll get back to you!