Essential Sharing Training System{ Lesson 28 }
You made it! We are so proud of you!!
Today is your day to make a new decision...
Are you ready to lead your own team members through this same training process as they begin to build their businesses with Young Living?
As you consider this decision, let's talk a little bit about what it looks like to commit to being a leader.
While it's true that anyone can "lead" another person through a book, it takes a committed member to check in regularly, interact with them as they work their way through the book, ask them the hard questions, and hold them to their own commitments. The only way this system works is when committed leaders are helping their team members along in the journey.
Leadership is something we are constantly growing into, and no person has ever "arrived" and become the perfect leader. But we do have to be intentionally pursuing our own personal growth to be a leader. We need to be pushing ourselves to not settle for a mediocre life, and in the process of doing so, we will naturally inspire others to do the same.
The chart below highlights some of the commitments that come with leadership. We want to encourage you to read this chart carefully and consider each one:

If you choose to commit to the statements on this chart, then we are excited to invite you to fill out the Essential Sharing Training leader application below!
I'm ready! Let's do this!Whether you choose to pursue becoming an Essential Sharing Leader, or you just wanted to complete this training system for your own benefit, we hope this has been a valuable experience for you! Feel free to email your comments or questions to us anytime!
Thank you so much for participating! And again, congratulations on completing this system! You are a rock star!